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2014 Membership Organizing Workshop

Apr 11, 2014

Members of CCCTA attended the MSEA Membership Workshop on Saturday April 5th in Bowie Md. We were greeted by our MSEA president Betty Weller. MSEA Vice President Cheryl Bost inspired us to find the organizer in you. David Helfman, MSEA Executive Director, also addressed the eager to organize group with inspiring quotes that provoked great discussion. Break out sessions included “Leading in the Multicultural Work Environment,” “Organizing for Power,” “Map your building,” and “Knowledge is Power.” Our own Uniserv Director Denise Beattie presented the “Organizing for Power” presentation.

Our team of three, Lori Hrinko, Jake B. Zebley and Lisa M. Hutton walked away from the workshop with fresh ideas to share with our Building Representatives and members!