CCCTA Representative Assembly Meeting
April 23, 2020
4:30 pm
Via Zoom
- Call to Order@ 4:30 pm
- Teacher Duty Day/Responsibilities: BOE expectation is that we are all working our duty day with expectation of 4 hours of office hours to be available for students. Can be flexible in when you are working the hours/time during the day/evening. Reach out to HR if you can’t work your duty day hours. Reach out to supervisor if working longer hours and need help with case-load.
- School Calendar Changes/First 2 weeks off (March 16-20).
- First 5 days could be waived but we would have to make up the other 5.
- BOE meeting 4/22/20: changed calendar to include April 27 & 28. We need to show that we are making an effort to make up the other 5 days.
- Grading/MP4—elementary and secondary grading and reporting meeting 4/22/20: Pass/incomplete discussed.B.For elementary, Dr. Lawson would like to see assignments in PowerSchool. Kyle and Rick are working on what this would look like. Let Kristie Nussle know of any specific elementary questions before next Wednesday so she can take those questions to the meeting. Let Lori know about secondary questions.
- CCCTA Elections—per Kristy Anderson (MSEA attorney): close the elections and proceed with what we have as far as returned ballots. Elections are basically uncontested. Feedback from reps: 1. Reps who have ballots can count what they have and give that info to Lori.
- NEA RA—virtual NEA convention July 2 & 3 with a condensed version of convention business/streamlined agenda. Mailed ballot to endorse presidential candidates. Who can attend virtually since $ is no longer a factor?
- Early Spring Enrollment—MSEA has created a new online form that meets all legal requirements and is available and can be forwarded to reps.
- BAC—CareFirst Plus Plan—eliminated as a cost saving measure. This did take an option away from Association members. The Association did seek legal advice about this and did abstain from voting.
- County Budget progress/outlook—County Executive budget was presented to County Council. Did not fully fund the CCPS budget request.
- MOU—Retirement Incentive
- Candidate Endorsements:
- MSEA is handling mailers, etc to support endorsed candidates. Member communication: working with Dan Chambers from MSEA. An email will come out with recommended candidates and giving information about voting.
- School board races will be pushed to the General Election in the fall. Primary ballots will be mailed to registered voters and must be returned/postmarked by June 2.
- Endorsements: County Ex: Alan McCarthy; County Council: Don Harmer and Bob Meffley (uncontested); BOE: Diane Heath and Tierney Davis (will not appear on Primary ballots).
- Any other State updates
- Sharing
- things that are improving/positives (the bright side):
- enjoying using Google Classroom
- the fact that students now have access to emails
- learning a lot of technology!
- ongoing or outstanding concerns or questions:
- question: what is the process for certification renewal?
- concern: billing for grad classes and form is not electronic—what if you don’t have access to a printer?
- concern: student have additional needs as far as technology skills (need CPD)
- question: employment benefit trust fund to offset budget short falls.
- question/concern: some teachers were told that they were supposed to be working during the first 2 weeks. What about all of the PD that teachers are doing now—can that be counted as contractual days?
- Adjournment @ 6:17.